Shipping and payment

Method of transport

For the delivery of your goods, we offer several delivery options. You can choose to pick up your goods at Packet's outlets (delivery offices), for a comfortable delivery by courier directly to your hands or, by agreement, in another way.

Price of transport Slovak Republic

5,00€ Express courier

Shipping price Czech Republic


Under limit order

Under-limit order In case the order does not exceed the minimum threshold for free processing (2,- EUR) the buyer may be charged 1,- EUR incl. VAT as a surcharge for the under-limit order volume.

Payment method

Cash on delivery - you pay the goods directly to the delivery service. The service is charged with the amount of 1,80 €

Payment by card or bank transfer. The order is processed only after the payment is received in our bank account. If the goods are not in stock, information on availability is indicated on the product card.